What is Thinking Strengths/HVP Report?
Robert S. Hartman, Ph.D., discovered the science of Formal Axiology, which is an objective and accurate measurement what one values and how one thinks. This instrument measures values and thinking as accurately as a thermometer measures the temperature. His work resulted in the Hartman Value Profile (HVP), which is the first major breakthrough in the accurate measurement of the thought processes that influence human behavior. Dr. Hartman was nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1973 for his work in this area.
The Thinking Strengths Personal Profile/HVP report is the result of hundreds of thousands of hours of research and development. Unlike all other assessment instruments, this tool allows us to understand “how” a person thinks and perceives not “what” they think. Because the Thinking Strengths Personal Profile report is based on science and not philosophy, it tells us what an individual pays attention to, what is important, and how values and thought biases (and much of this is unconscious or outside of conscious awareness) influence decisions and actions. Most importantly, the knowledge the HVP provides is objective, independent of any one observer, and accurate regardless of race, religion, gender, or socioeconomic condition.
What is Involved in the HVP?
The process is a simple ranking of two sets of 18 statements and phrases*. A Coach will then validate, prepare a report, and schedule a diagnostic coaching session. Your results are unique to you, the fact is, there are 6.4 quadrillion possible permutations of these rankings, making your results as individual as your fingerprint!
*Each phrase has been scientifically validated to represent one level of the 18 levels in the value mathematics hierarchy
How is a this profile report used?
After Dr. Hartman’s death in 1973, the HVP was primarily used for clinical and educational purposes. In 1991, the Hartman Value Profile started being used as an assessment tool because of its grounding in objective sciences and its broad applications for business. More than 100 studies have been used to validate the Axiology model including an extensive study using a database of more than 40,000 people from executives to entry-level workers. Businesses in the United States and Europe have discovered the value of the HVP in assessing talent, recruiting new employees, restructuring within an organization/team to maximize individual strengths, and develop improvement plans for executives as well as employees. The end result in utilizing the Thinking Strengths Assessment and diagnostic coaching session is improved performance. To date thousands of executives, business professionals, sales people, and individuals have used HVP to learn about themselves, identify thinking strengths, and develop strategic plans for growth in performance.
How can I benefit from this work ?
The answer is as individual as the person asking the question. The average person thinks about 12,000 thoughts per day and deep thinkers have as many as 50,000 thoughts per day. By participating, you can start to identify “how” you think and which thoughts support your success and which thoughts are sabotaging your efforts. The Thinking Strengths/HVP will go below the surface of your behavior and personality, and measure the thought processes that are driving your decisions and actions. In order to become the master of your life, you must first become the master of your mind. This process will do just that by allowing you to understand the relationship between you and your thoughts and how your unconscious thought processes are running your life. Your thinking has the ability to hold you hostage without the knowledge of how to maximize it! The choice is yours . . . understand your strengths in thinking and maximize your living and earning potential, or continue to let your thinking define you!